Hoke McNeal Academy of Higher Learning

All your children shall be taught of the LORD, And great shall be the peace of your children. ---Isaiah 54:13


Summer vacation has ended and it is hard to believe we are beginning a new school year. This school year will be an exciting and enriching experience at Hoke McNeal Academy.

By now, Campus B returning students should be familiar with our policy, procedure and expectations. As always, with God's grace, we are prepared to challenge each student to focus and commit to meeting and exceeding their individual learning objectives.

It's always wonderful to see parents involved in their child's education. The greater your participation, the more successful your student's educational experience will be. Please be sure to complete the important papers that were in the family folder distributed in the Parent Meeting.

Finally, as we begin this new school year we look forward to demonstrating our dedication to the most important missions of education that reflect our commitment to the development of the whole child.

Serving you with Godly distinction,

Frank Hoke, Jr.
Sr. Administrator & Principal Campus B

"We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.